Black Lives Matter
Posted on 4th June 2020 at 16:44

Current events in America have shocked and angered the world. The distressing murder of George Floyd and the subsequent riots have dragged us from the torpor of lockdown and made us think about what we can do on a wider scale.
Along with many music and education organisations, we at MWC are taking this as a wake up call to educate ourselves about race issues and improve diversity in our organisation.
We wanted to share some of the content that is helping us:
Clara Amfo’s statement on her BBC Radio 1 show is powerful –

Keith Harris OBE has written an open letter to the Music Industry stating “We have had many false dawns in terms of equality in the industry, let’s make sure that this is not another one.”
See his full letter here:

Bassoonist, Linton Stephens highlighted the importance of the work of the Chineke! Foundation in an interview:

For those, like us, who are learning how to be better allies, this is a helpful resource:
The Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust works to support young people through the early stages of their careers, to overcome barriers to employment, and to avoid long periods being NEET (not in education, employment or training). Read more here:

Arts Emergency are doing great work in helping marginalised young people overcome barriers to participation and success in higher education and the creative and cultural industries:

And this – taken from resources shared by the Music Publishers Association (MPA):

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