The Music Workshop Company Blog 

Each month the Music Workshop Company publishes two blogs. One blog, written by the MWC team addresses a key issue in Music Education or gives information about a particular genre or period of music. The other blog is written by a guest writer, highlighting good practice or key events in Music Education. We hope you enjoy reading the blogs. 
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To contribute as a guest writer please email 


Here at the Music Workshop Company, we believe everyone should have the opportunity to make music, regardless of their age or background. But too often, for many, those opportunities can be hard to find - which is why programmes that open up music to wider audiences are so important. 
NYJO (also known as the National Youth Jazz Orchestra) exists to do just this, and we were delighted to hear about their successful 2024 King's Cross Summer Project for 14-18-year-olds. This month Beth Ismay, NYJO's Learning Programmes Manager, returns to the blog to tell us about the project and the impact it made for the young people involved. 
The Music Workshop chats to Matt Parry, creator of The Opus Pocus on how to get kids to discover the magic of classical music.  
What is out there to help kids discover classical music? Especially at the moment with dedicated performances, workshops and group lessons so frustratingly put on hold? 
Of course you can just play this music to children, but getting them to listen to an entire symphony, for example, can be a bit tricky given its length and complexity.  
The London Music Fund (Formerly the Mayor's Music Fund) (charity no. 1141216) was launched in 2011 in response to a London-wide survey carried out by City Hall, highlighting a number of gaps in provision for school-age musicians in the capital. We hear from Chief Executive, Chrissy Kinsella about the fantastic opportunities provided by the Fund. 
This month marks the 14th birthday of the Music Workshop Company. To celebrate, Maria Thomas, Founder and Artistic Director, tells us about her inspiraton, highlights and vision for the future. Alongside her work at MWC, Maria is Programme Leader for the Music Industry Management Programme at the University of Hertfordshire. Her specialism is entrepreneurship and small business. 


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